Thursday, July 19, 2007

I Am A Domestic Goddess.... Not!

But more of that in a minute... let's get the how I slept / work thing over with first...

I got to sleep earlier last night than the night before - it was 4am instead of 5! But at least I managed not to sleep in today. Work (as you may have gathered from my morning post) was boooooooooooooooring. See, that's the problem with being up-to-date... you sweat and struggle to get there, then you have a few slow days where there's no new stuff coming in, and you're left twiddling your thumbs.

Now, here comes the domestic goddess bit... For the last few Thursday nights, I've been having some help come in to give me a hand sorting through Mum & Dad's stuff, and helping take it away for dumping. Don't get me wrong, I loved Mum & Dad, but Dad in particular was a hoarder, and there's a good few years worth of junk around the place that was kept "in case it was valuable". And between his books, and Mum's ornaments, there's a LOT of stuff to be dumped. So, that's what I was doing after work tonight... going through old letters and the like and dumping them, and getting rid of some of their clothes - which I'm dumping. I know charity shops need clothes, but Orkney's a small place, and I'd hate to walk down the street and see some woman wearing a coat that looks familiar and thinking "I wonder if that's Mum's?"... I'm sorry, I just couldn't do it, so it's better to dump it all.

And then, when my helper went away, I learnt a valuable lesson - I started to make my tea (just microwave spag bol), and I was going to fry some diced bacon to give it a little extra flavour... but I went to the loo first, and changed out of my top I'd been wearing while working... and then I came back to the kitchen - and realised that I'd sprayed the frying pan with some of that spray-on cooking oil... and left it on the cooker at 6! Thankfully there was no fire, and not much smoke, but the oil in the pan was nearly black and it was HOT! I dashed to the sink with it and shoved it into the washing bowl of water, and it sizzled and steamed like buggery! But, hey, the pan was okay.

And I'm having one of those spells where all the electrical & technical gizmos around me are packing up - today I had to get a new hoover, coz I've got 2, neither of which work worth a damn, so they've been chucked... and I've been wondering why NOBODY has phoned me on the landline for the last month - not even someone trying to sell me anything! Well, it transpires I'm not a Gilly-No-Mates after all... the ringer of my phone's not working...! But, these are the joys of working for an electrical shop - I got a digital cordless phone, and a new hoover (I say "got" - I paid for the phone (less £5 staff discount), and the boss owns a little more of my soul until I can afford to pay for the hoover).

And these things come in 3's... Do you remember the saga of my fancy LG Chocolate phone? The one that cost £250 (or a bit more of my soul) and then had to go away to be repaired because the cable in the slide mechanism was dodgy and the screen kept going funny? And sometimes people could hear me, but I couldn't hear them? Well, I've now had it just little over a year, and the fucking screen's going blank and breaking up on me AGAIN! I'm telling you, folks, I like the phone... I really want to say it's perfect, coz it's sleek, sexy, thin and has the fancy touchpad which I really like now I'm used to it... but I don't think I'd have an LG again. What's the use of having a sexy little phone if it's not reliable? I think next time I need a new phone, I'll go back to Nokia. Their cameras in the phones might be shit, but at least the phones themselves work.

Well, it's later than this post says it is, and you're bound to have had enough of me waffling on today... so I'm going to bugger off to bed soon... after I've done one little job for a certain Lord O.


1 comment:

  1. Yup, I remember that Chocolate 'phone...I must say, Ally, any phone made of choc stuck to MY ear'ole for any length of time would've suffered a meltdown, too! ;)
