"The fairies only left Orkney when folk stopped seekin' them" - Anonymous Orcadian
"Never be afraid to seek" - Ally

Friday, November 14, 2008

Born To Rock...

Nov. 14th, 1951 - Alec John Such, bassist with Bon Jovi from their formation in 1983 until his departure in 1994, was born...

"I'll Sleep When I'm Dead"... and it has to be a live performance, because Universal won't let you embed the video...


Lupin said...

Just a tip if you can't embed from YouTube, nip over to either Daily Motion or Yahoo chances are you will find the same video on there all nicely available to embed.

AllyBally said...

Thanks for that - It's really annoying trawling through YouTube looking for a video that can be embedded, and that isn't a stupid anime fan video set to the song!