"The fairies only left Orkney when folk stopped seekin' them" - Anonymous Orcadian
"Never be afraid to seek" - Ally

Monday, May 17, 2010

You're Gonna Have To Face It, You're Addicted To...

... Farmville (apologies to the late Robert Palmer for adulterating his lyrics there)...

Damn game should come with a Government Health Warning!

If you are worried that you may be becoming addicted, here are some of the warning signs to look out for... If you can identify with any of these, you may need intervention:

- First thing you do in the morning is log on to Facebook to see if anyone left you any gifts.

- If no one did, you are in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

- You are seriously considering creating a fake persona on Facebook just so that they can become your neighbour so you can expand again.

- You buy a chicken coop for your TWO chickens.

- Your real world (and if you say "what's the real world?" then there really is no hope for you) friends (assuming you still have some) start avoiding you because all your conversations start with "When are you going to accept my neighbour request? You don't have to play after that, I just need another 6 neighbours so I can expand".

- You spend 65,000 farm coins to buy a (pink) tractor, a seeder AND a harvester... and you've only got 6 plots!

- You start organising your day around when your dog needs fed.

- You finally tear yourself away from the computer at 2am, with everything fed and harvested, once you've double checked that you have no pending gift requests.

- 10 minutes later after logging off at 2am, you're logging back on, just in case someone sent you a gift request in that time.

- You ignore your best friend when you meet in Tesco, just because they haven't sent you a gift request for the last 2 days.

- Despite the fact you live in a rural community, when you overhear someone saying, "I must go home and see to my chickens", your first thought is to run up to them and say, "Add me as a neighbour!"

- You have been heard shouting "Not another bloody nail! I'm not building anything!" at the computer.

- You rate your friends according to their Farmville level.

- When you hear someone say "I'm level 16 now", your reply is "Oh, bless! I remember when I was a Newbie too".

- The merest mention of "Farmville" overheard makes you prick up your ears.

- You're sitting in a cafe having a coffee, and you can hear 2 people a couple of tables away (close enough for you to earwig, but too far away for you to "casually" join in the conversation) discussing the Farmville Phenomenon... and you are so desperate to ask, "Need another neighbour? I only need one more to get a super plantation".

- You put a request out on a community-based forum you use for anyone who plays Farmville to add you as a Facebook friend, just so you can add them as a neighbour.

- You get palpitations every time there are new items available in the market.

Now, did you blush and laugh nervously at any of the above? (And, yes, I did). Then you could be in danger of becoming an addict.

However... before you book yourself into Farmers Anonymous (which may not exist, but really SHOULD)... gonna add me as a neighbour? Please? I just need 2 more to expand! I'll send you gifts regularly... and fertilise your plots... and feed your chickens... Go on... PLEASE???"


Viki said...

As far as I'm concerned, I managed to stay clear. Havent spent any money since Saturday night, so hah!
Btw... can u harvest my amaranth while I'm having a shower coz I want to keep my unwither stuff for later. Ta.

Viki said...

Btw 2... I think Orkney forum should be kept clear from "wanna neighbours" ads....

AllyBally said...

re. Btw1: of course I can harvest ur crops now that I got u away from checking ur gifts and into the shower...

er... now that u have a few more than 6 plots, do u mind if I use ur (pink) tractor to save time? ta! (maybe I'll plant ur next crop by hand tho, just to save fuel - how nice am I?)

AllyBally said...

btw... if I was to start a group of Farmville Anonymous, do u want me to put ur name down for membership? ;-D

Viki said...

Bleeeeeeeeee! The tractor (pink) was very useful, I could finish sooner on facebook so that YOU can go and check ur farm!

P. s. Hope u didnt use much fuel for harvesting/seeding!!!! (Serious!!)

Nev Walker said...

I just wondered...how does one send a Gift? And how does one stop being addicted to other apps? More importantly, when are you going to play me at Scramble?

AllyBally said...

to send a gift, click on "free gifts", choose what you want to send, then "proceed to send" or whatever it says, and choose who you want to send the gift to, then send.

and as for how to stop being addicted to other apps... just get addicted to Farmville FIRST, and then you don't have time for any other apps!

JsmartBLOG said...

this is so funny! and true
i used to be a farmville addict back in the day
of i remeber the days when i was planning my time around when my strawberries would be ripe :)

Ray said...

wow,great article!Best regards!

Shari said...

I was just going through random blogs by clicking Next Blog on Nav bar and your Blog Opened. I was forced to read you wonderful farmville post and I could not stop laughing. You have done an incredible job. I have become you fan. I will follow your blog from now onward. Great post. Best wishes and Happy New Year. :-D

Anonymous said...

Haha, I never understood why that game is so addicting.

Marshall Lynch said...

funny but true.i'm also addicted in farmville.

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முத்துலெட்சுமி/muthuletchumi said...

\\Talha said...
I was just going through random blogs by clicking Next Blog on Nav bar and your Blog Opened. I was forced to read you wonderful farmville post and I could not stop laughing.//

me too ...came here by clicking next blog on nav bar.. and enjoyed reading this post .. oh no(yes) i am in danger level !!! :))

mycrazylife said...

haha stumbled across this and I will admit I was a facebooker (was) I remember everyone kept stating FML in thier status' not knowing what it meant, I actually assumed it was a call out to FARM MY LAND haha boy did i look like a dork when i finally figured out what it really meant!!!

caeklover said...

After looking at your blog, I've decided to follow you. But my blog posts are childish and majority of them are nonsense. I am a kid, and I use my blog as my online diary for now.

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News said...

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gusDon said...

I always liked the facebook! Although there is no doubt in it. Many of my friends invited to play Farmville, but I have a slow Internet speeds, so it can not play.
Prefer to write about travel in the country, may also cheer... :)
Great game!

Claire said...

You have a nice blog. I do have mine too www.claire-fernandez.blogspot.com...thanks

Unknown said...

That is soooo hilarious and true!


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Blogger said...

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Melty said...

Haha very funny and absolutely true. I used to play Farmville before and got to lvl 30 but I got bored doing the same everyday and stopped. Good luck to all farmvillers.

P.S I'm new here so if you like you can visit my blog:

Blogger said...

i am really impressed by this so i have also set up my own hope you like this one waiting for comments


Sara said...

Oh that goes for all fb-games, I definatly feel like an addict now!

CTGut said...

Great post! Check out my blog at http://ctgutblog.blogspot.com/
Please click a couple of times, I'm trying to win a competition to meet my idol.

single_mummy86 said...

classic :)

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